Veusebeia Philosophies
Soul / Emotional
Our emotional well-being is pivotal in our overall health. Also referred to here as your Sou, understanding that the Soul has needs that are separate yet interwoven into the body can help you to achieve total health. A disturbance in the soul can create a disturbance in the body. This is most often called a somatic body response. Common occurrences of this are when a loved one passes and we have a “broken” heart. This phenomenon is known to science and can literally kill a person. It has been recorded that when a spouse of an elderly person passes the remaining spouse will often pass soon after, even if they were in good health before.
At Veusebeia I recognize that our emotional life plays a big role in our health. This can be closely interwoven with out spiritual life and belief systems as well. Having a strong belief in what happens after death can help a person remaining here on Earth to accept their loss knowing that they will see the person again. These statements are not meant to assert a belief, only to point out that our belief systems determine how we handle the crises of life.
My role is not to tell you what to believe but to support you in your beliefs. If you do seek guidance I am full of wisdom passed down from the spiritual teachers who walked this Earth before me. I have been an avid student of the spiritual sciences for many years and have found them to bring me comfort and guidance in hard times and in good times.
There are several modalities that I use with my clients to help their Souls resonate at a different frequency. One of my favorites is Flower Essences. Flower Essences were first created by Edward Bach. He believed that the energy of the flowers was transferred to the drops of dew on their petals in the morning by the rays of the Sun, or Solarization. These dew drops were a type of homeopathic remedies, or resonance medicine. through time I have come to find these remedies to be of particular help to my clients.
Soul and Emotional alignment can help to:
- Reduce stress
- Increase clarity, productivity & efficiency
- Make better decisions
- Experience more love and compassion
- Bring deep peace and relaxation
- Deal with deep emotional trauma
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Below are a few of my favorite flower essence resources in case you are interested in learning more.

Bach remedies are a type of homeopathic or resonance medicine that is meant to influence your subtle body or soul body and not the physical. They can be wonder aids for persons dealing with emotional difficulties.

The Flower Essence Society has expanded upon Bach’s original flower essences to include over 130 flower essence remedies.

Woodland Essence is a wonderful herbal company that creates flower essences from at-risk medicinal woodland species. It is a wonderful and innovative way to still be able to utilize the medicine these plants offer without harvesting their precious roots for medicine.